를 이용해서 사용자정의 HTTP 헤더를 만들도록 한다.
와 같은 클라이언트측의 기술들을 사용하지 못한다는 점이다. 예를들어 폼입력을 하고나서
버튼을 클릭하면 폼의 각 필드를 검사하는 등의 자바스크립트등은 처리할 수 없다.
sample for O'ReillyNet article on libcURL:
AUTHOR: Ethan McCallum
HTTP POST (e.g. form processing or REST web services)
이 코드는 Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake,
This code was built/tested under Fedora Core 3,
libcURL version 7.12.3 환경에서 테스트 되었다.
extern "C" {
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enum {
} ;
enum {
} ;
enum {
} ;
const char* targetUrl ;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int main( int argc , char** argv ){
if( argc != 2 ){
std::cerr << "test of libcURL: test an HTTP post" << std::endl ;
std::cerr << "(post data is canned)" << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " {post url}" << std::endl ;
std::exit( ERROR_ARGS ) ;
targetUrl = argv[1] ;
curl_global_init( CURL_GLOBAL_ALL ) ;
CURL* ctx = curl_easy_init() ;
if( NULL == ctx ){
std::cerr << "Unable to initialize cURL interface" << std::endl ;
return( ERROR_CURL_INIT ) ;
/* BEGIN: configure the handle: */
// Target URL:
curl_easy_setopt( ctx , CURLOPT_URL, targetUrl ) ;
// no progress bar:
curl_easy_setopt( ctx , CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS , OPTION_TRUE ) ;
// 응답데이터를 표준출력으로 보낸다.
curl_easy_setopt( ctx , CURLOPT_WRITEDATA , stdout ) ;
// 사용자 정의 HTTP 헤더: create a linked list and assign
curl_slist* responseHeaders = NULL ;
responseHeaders = curl_slist_append( responseHeaders , "Expect: 100-continue" ) ;
responseHeaders = curl_slist_append( responseHeaders , "User-Agent: Some Custom App" ) ;
curl_easy_setopt( ctx , CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , responseHeaders ) ;
// POST Data 설정
// notice the URL-unfriendly characters (such as "%" and "&")
// URL에서는 '%', '&', ' '와 같은 문자를 URL encoding 시켜줘야 한다.
// curl_escape 함수를 이용해서 인코딩할 수 있다.
const char* postParams[] = {
"One" , "this has % and & symbols" ,
"Dos" , "value with spaces" ,
"Trois" , "plus+signs+will+be+escaped" ,
"Chetirye" , "fourth param..." ,
} ;
// buffer for the POST params
std::ostringstream postBuf ;
const char** postParamsPtr = postParams ;
while( NULL != *postParamsPtr )
// curl_escape( {string} , 0 ): replace special characters
// (such as space, "&", "+", "%") with HTML entities.
// ( 0 => "use strlen to find string length" )
// remember to call curl_free() on the strings on the way out
char* key = curl_escape( postParamsPtr[0] , FLAG_DEFAULT ) ;
char* val = curl_escape( postParamsPtr[1] , FLAG_DEFAULT ) ;
std::cout << "Setting POST param: \"" << key << "\" => \"" << val << "\"" << std::endl ;
postBuf << key << "=" << val << "&" ;
postParamsPtr += 2 ;
// the cURL lib allocated the escaped versions of the
// param strings; we must free them here
curl_free( key ) ;
curl_free( val ) ;
postBuf << std::flush ;
// We can't really call "postBuf.str().c_str()" here, because
// the std::string created in the middle is a temporary. In turn,
// the char* buf from its c_str() operation isn't guaranteed to
// be around after the function call.
// The solution: explicitly create the string.
// Larger (and/or better) code would use std::string::copy() to create
// a const char* pointer to pass to cURL, then clean it up later.
// e.g.:
// const char* postData = new char*[ 1 + postBuf.tellg() ] ;
// postBuf.str().copy( postData , std::string::npos ) ;
// postData[ postBuf.tellg() ] == '\0' ;
const std::string postData = postBuf.str() ;
std::cout << "post data: " << postData << std::endl ;
curl_easy_setopt( ctx , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , postData.c_str() ) ;
// do a standard HTTP POST op
// in theory, this is automatically set for us by setting
curl_easy_setopt( ctx , CURLOPT_POST , OPTION_TRUE ) ;
/* END: configure the handle */
// action!
std::cout << "- - - BEGIN: response - - -" << std::endl ;
CURLcode rc = curl_easy_perform( ctx ) ;
std::cout << "- - - END: response - - -" << std::endl ;
// "curl_easy_strerror()" available in curl v7.12.x and later
if( CURLE_OK != rc ){
std::cerr << '\t' << "Error from cURL: " << curl_easy_strerror( rc ) << std::endl ;
// cleanup
curl_slist_free_all( responseHeaders ) ;
curl_easy_cleanup( ctx ) ;
curl_global_cleanup() ;
std::exit( 0 ) ;
} // main()
예제 코드가 c++ 로 되어 있으므로 objective-c 의 .m 파일을 .mm 파일로 수정.